Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Passing the Baton

Last night: A breath of fresh air swept into the room, a harbinger of Spring and of hope.

A few of us had gathered to talk about the new structure for We Care, the advocacy group fighting for minimalized and responsible development of the woods behind the West Essex Highlands.

Leadership for We Care was the primary topic of conversation as We Care's President will be stepping down from office in early July, still remaining active in the organization.

There is always the possibility when segueing from one management model to another that there will be gaps and misses.

And we might have spent more time on acknowledging the many good works and earnest efforts made to date that have enabled opposition to this development project to endure for 9 years. Certainly, there were path blazers and meeting warriors whose contributions have been instrumental in keeping the cause not only alive, but well. Some of these have been public demonstrations of commitment, but just as many have been conversations behind closed doors.

It is never easy to be an advocate, even in the best of times and circumstances, and we can only imagine the communications that most likely took place.

But the momentum to go forward was so strong we did not take the time to glance back.

Driving that momentum was the dedication of those who have stepped up to become a collective of leaders with both institutional memory and the skills to address the tasks before us.

So as the rain poured down and the spring time chorus of birds outside the windows serenaded us with their evening lullabies, we proceeded. But we also inadvertently disregarded a fundamental of passing the baton. Looking behind is often as critical as looking ahead.

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